Eye Gazing – Tracking Soul Light Energy

Eye Gazing: How to track Soul Light Energy in the Human Being You are a spiritual being having a human experience. Day to day life can occlude this fundamental reality. Perhaps the political landscape, a strained relationship or other personal concern has fostered a sense of being different than your fellow human. Eye gazing allows you […]

Where to Go from Here

Here you are, and here I am. Life happens to everyone. It means that unexpected and unwanted changes do happen. It may be very difficult to navigate difficult emotions while disoriented in the turmoil, but it is important to recognize that you are not alone. At the very center of your being is your spirit – […]

A secret that’s not so secret

I’m going to let you in on two important considerations: Everyone has untapped potential. There are parts of yourself that have yet to be seen. You do not know everything yet. Everyone can use help getting reaching greater potential. Be humble yet courageous and compassionate in these pursuits. Now that the calendars have turned over […]

Wild Orange Essential Oil

Aromatherapy Special For the whole month of January any shamanic healing or massage appointment includes a free aromatherapy add-on featuring Wild Orange essential oil and take-home jar of bath salts (Wild Thing: Wild Orange & Vanilla) hand-made with love by Dimitra where my studio space is on the avenue. This is an exclusive free add-on […]