The dark shadow of space leans over us. . . .

We are mindful that the darkness of greed, exploitation, selfishness and hatred also lengthens its shadow to cover our planet, Mother Earth.

As our ancestors feared death and evil − all the dark powers and uncertainty of winter − we too fear that darkness of war, discrimination, and selfishness will doom us and our planet to an eternal winter − an icy prison of despair.

May we find hope in the kindled lights on this sacred night, hope in one another and in all who form this beautiful web woven of peace and justice that spans the world, taught by grandmother spider.

In the heart of every person on this Earth burns the spark of luminous spirit; in no heart is there total darkness. No person is without hope. May we who have celebrated this winter solstice, through our lives in our own unique way, and by service to the human race, through the love and  prayers called forth from one another the light and the love that is hidden in every heart to shine radiantly. Know that activating, honoring and sharing your own spiritual light will in turn spark that same light in your brothers and your sisters.

And so it is and so shall it be. Namaste. Aho.


In preparate for the Winter Solstice, I came across a prayer by Edward Hays from Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim. I made a few slight alterations with my reflections on letting go of anger and holding sacred space. I hope you enjoy it and will recite it aloud. Please share it with your friends and family The words do mean so much, both on solstice and during any time you are in need of comfort. When you feel the cold, dark night, remember the teaching of the winter solstice – the light is there and will never leave you.