Shaman Delaware Freedom


The Power of Cutting Cords

“Let it go!” is sage advice. I am sure that you have told yourself the very same recently. There is amazing power in letting go. But, why are there some people, relationships, places, physical objects or locations that have these tenable emotional reactions? You’re not alone if it just doesn’t make sense no matter how much you have tried and tried, but can’t let go.

CORD Disconnection Healing with The Green Shaman

Shamanic medicine, like what I provide, starts the conversation about creating room for new growth. We really don’t discuss the problem at great length – you know it quite well already. What you don’t know how to do is live in accordance with natural life-growth blueprints. Life is synonymous with change. Growth is a type of change. It is natural to outgrow aspects of your 3D life in time, and to let it go – to change. I can show you how to make the change.

The change offered by CORD Disconnection is so powerful because of how it re-orientes your perspective. New meaning and understanding is offered as stepping stones out of the old paradigms into a life of your co-creation that matches to your intentions and actions. My experience and training as a shaman allows me to provide you with messages, symbols and pathways that support your journey to a successful shift. It is an honor to provide this healing ceremony to you. Please call 302-227-3450 or click here to schedule a CORD Disconnection today and tap into your deeper spiritual nature.

CORD Disconnection Healing
$145 ~ allow up to 3 hours

If there is a day and time outside of hours open at the studio, please contact the front desk 302-227-3450 or to make inquiry. Often I am able to accommodate evenings and weekends.