Aromatherapy Special
For the whole month of January any shamanic healing or massage appointment includes a free aromatherapy add-on featuring Wild Orange essential oil and take-home jar of bath salts (Wild Thing: Wild Orange & Vanilla) hand-made with love by Dimitra where my studio space is on the avenue. This is an exclusive free add-on aromatherapy service to any wellness service at dimitraYOGA. Each month a new oil and take home essential oil experience will rotate. To take advantage of this exciting new wellness program, I encourage you to purchase a 5 or 10 pack of the healing modality you need to help you with your wellness goals and health concerns. You’ll receive 10% off each service for a 5-pack and 20% off each service for a 10 pack. Click here to book your appointment online or call 302-227-3450. I look forward to seeing you soon. Until then with many bright blessings _/|\_ N