Developing Your Inner Child by Adopting a Beginner’s Mind

Summer season corresponds to South medicine on the medicine wheel, and so working with your inner child is an integral way to deepen your faith, trust more and find the inspiration in your life. Creativity and play time are classic ways to foster a relationship with your inner child. Today, I’d like you to consider […]

How to Successfully Make Any Change in Your Life

How to make the change you desire. You have to believe it.  Beliefs are very powerful in shaping the way you perceive the world around you. Do whatever it takes to change how you think about life’s circumstances until you honestly believe that you will succeed. It’s simple, but not easy. Real change is often difficult […]

4 Gifts of Shamanic Medicine

Although there are many reasons to pursue a spiritual practice, the support of a shamanic healer produces four very important gifts that will benefit your healing journey and wellness goals. Receiving shamanic healing is not a casual interaction like going out to dinner or picking a movie. When you are serious and committed to healing, […]

The Prayer of the Woods

Trees are sacred. Next time you find yourself passing by the trunks of your brethren, listen to the soft whispers: “You that pass and raise your arm to me before you hurt me, look at me well. I am the heat of your home in the cold winter nights. I am the friendly shade that […]

How to use oils when you have a cold or flu

MYTH BUSTER EDITION What you need to know about essential oils, the cold and flu, current scientific research, your health and safety, and anecdotes. Hi Nate! I had a question about essential oils. I have come down with a cold/flu, is there anything safe I can use to boost my immune system? Oils I should […]